大山里长大的我始终无法理解城市人的登山探险行为我们山里人从来不在深山过夜吃饱了没事挑战大山就是作死非做不可 BY 唯其是缺乏对大山起码的敬畏所以电影一开头我就想把男主这个不知天高地厚的孩子一铲子拍死用旅游来逃离自己的痛苦没问题但别打着爱自然的旗号自然不需要你爱自然需要你尊重
拍得太美了何为死亡想起李叔同的:去去就来The decay that we try to avoid in our everyday life is vital part for all life on earth.Life doesn’t stop with death. Everything will eventually die and it has to be returned into the great cycle which from death to life and so on. Life is an ever repeating cycle. Every atom inside everyone of us was once a part 才懂得原来苍蝇前半生是蛆